
Position Applied for: Date Available: Salary Requirement:
  Full Time   Part Time
Specify days/hours available:
Are you willing to work overtime?   Yes   No
Are you willing to work nights?   Yes   No
Are you willing to work in holidays?   Yes   No
Personal Information
Name (First) : (Father) : (Family):
Resident's Address No: Street: Neighborhood:
City: Country:

Social Security No:

Place & Date of birth:

Phone Day : Phone Night: Phone Cellular:
E-mail address *:
Emergency Contact
Name: Relationship: Address:
Phone Day: Phone Night:
Additional Information
Have you applied to or been employed by DONUTS FACTORY before?   Yes   No
if yes, Date(s): Position:
Do you know anyone currently working for DONUTS FACTORY?   Yes   No
if yes, list name(s):
Are you Jordanian?   Yes   No
If (No) are you permitted to work in Jordan?   Yes   No
Have you ever been fired or asked to leave a job?   Yes   No
if yes, Why?:
Have you ever been convicted?   Yes   No
If yes, describe conditions.
Type of School: Name & Location: Diploma/Degree:
Employment History
Present or Last Employer: From - To: Phone No:
Salary: Reason for Leaving :
Previous Employer : From - To: Phone:
Salary: Reason for Leaving:
Additional Qualifications
In addition to your work history, what other qualifications, experiences or skills you have?
List at least three professional references. Exclude personal friends and relatives.
Name: Profession: Phone:
Name: Profession: Phone:
Name: Profession: Phone:
Upload Your CV
Employment Terms

Read the following before submitted this application.
The above information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false statements, misrepresentations, or omission of facts will disqualify my application, or if hired will be cause for dismissal. The Company has my permission to investigate all statements contained herein, or any other sources concerning my prior employment or other related matters. I release all parties from any possible damages resulting from disclosing such information with or without prior written notice to me. I understand that this application does not constitute an employment contract of any kind should the Company employ me. I may resign such employment at any time at my own discretion with or without cause and the Company may terminate my employment any time at their discretion, with or without prior notice.